Welcome to Ikkyu

shibari therapy with isabelle


Isabelle's clients have called her style motherly, loving, tender, sensual, safe, caring and nurturing. And that is essentially what she tries to provide during her sessions. A safe space for them to be vulnerable, face their shadows, and rebirth.

Is this for me?

From parental traumas, to ADHD, to being a people pleaser, to having a responsible job, to wanting to lean into a authentic energy, to droping into your body and heart, … the reasons why you seek being liberated is unique to you and is worth being explored.

How Does It Work?

Isabelle provides 15-20 min to receive her client, very little is talked before the session. You get some time to acclimate, go to the toilet, drink some water and undress only to what you feel comfortable with. She recommends top and/or brief/ boxer.

Everyone gets down on the mats, she asks about your mobility and injuries. She has her way of making the client very comfortable from the beginning, so actually starting the rope session happens very shortly. (Sessions are filmed for your personal memoir, and with consent used for social media)

how long is the session itself?

40 min. Isabelle’s approach is very sensual and soft. She asks for an intention that you want to bring forth and focuses her energy on facilitating that intention. She uses skin contact, strokes, hugs and kisses as a from of safeness. No sexual stimulation or mouth kissing is pursued in these type of sessions.

The aftercare is about 20 min. After undergoing a hypnotising and calming experience your parasympathetic nervous system is so relaxed that you actually feel a bit weak and soft and need time to “come back”. That period of after-care Isabelle stays the whole time with you, caressing and hugging you. Now there is also room to share what you felt, were triggered by and talk about yourself.

Hold off a session if:

If you experience any of the below conditions please either check with your medical professional first or reach out to be referred to a different modality that may be more suitable:

  • Pregnancy
  • Epilepsy
  • Occular Issues: (detached retina/glaucoma)
  • Cardiovascular Disease/Irregularity
  • Unmedicated high/low blood pressure
  • Osteoporosis
  • Aneurysms
  • Stroke
  • Blood Thinning or Anti-Clot Medication
  • Bipolar/Schizophrenia
  • Skeletal Fractures
  • Complex PTSD
  • Strong doses of anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, or mind-altering medication.

24hrs notice is requested for any cancellation/rescheduling.

If you reschedule your session before 24 hours of the start time no fee applies

Reschedule within 24 hours of the start time – 20% fee of session payment

Cancel within 24 hours of the start time – 100% of session payment.

Cancel 24 hours – 50% of your session payment..

All refunds will be made manually.

Ikkyu or Isabelle reserves the right to cancel/reschedule the session at any time with due reason, in the event of practitioner cancelling a session a 100% refund will be made via your payment method