Welcome to Ikkyu

partnership ignited with isabelle and yuri


Spiritus is a system where we use breath, sound and movement to release stuck, heavy energies from the body to create freedom and liberation within. During the breathwork you will receive energetic healing and body work to allow the body to shift and move so that you may find harmony within.

How It Works

Anxiety, depression, stress, and chronic pain create interconnected pathways in the brain. We can disrupt and rewire distressing brain pathways through slow breathing and focused attention.

The Meaning of

Spiritus (Latin for “spirit” or “breathing”) may refer to: Spiritus lenis, the “soft breathing” in Byzantine Greek orthography. Spiritus asper, the “hard breathing” in Byzantine Greek orthography.

yuri invites you ...

Be curious to explore, the committed to change, this all starts in a 1:1 exploration session.

After this exploration session Yuri will offer SPIRITUS Breathwork, Somatic healing and intuitive insights to assist you in moving beyond this moment of stagnation.

It's roots are in

the shamanic realms and trauma and somatic release.
Breathwork is a modality of conscious connected breathing that we use to enter into altered states of healing and to interrupt our autonomic nervous system patterns so we are able to release trauma.

Hold off a session if:

If you experience any of the below conditions please either check with your medical professional first or reach out to be referred to a different modality that may be more suitable:

  • Pregnancy
  • Epilepsy
  • Occular Issues: (detached retina/glaucoma)
  • Cardiovascular Disease/Irregularity
  • Unmedicated high/low blood pressure
  • Osteoporosis
  • Aneurysms
  • Stroke
  • Blood Thinning or Anti-Clot Medication
  • Bipolar/Schizophrenia
  • Skeletal Fractures
  • Complex PTSD
  • Strong doses of anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, or mind-altering medication.

24hrs notice is requested for any cancellation/rescheduling.

If you reschedule your session before 24 hours of the start time no fee applies

Reschedule within 24 hours of the start time – 20% fee of session payment

Cancel within 24 hours of the start time – 100% of session payment.

Cancel 24 hours – 50% of your session payment..

All refunds will be made manually.

Ikkyu or Yuri reserves the right to cancel/reschedule the session at any time with due reason, in the event of practitioner cancelling a session a 100% refund will be made via your payment method